Sunday, July 6, 2014

Nullification today Will Irving

Nullification is defined under the 10th amendment today which explains the balance of power between federal and state government. It states that federal government only has power specifically stated in the constitution. With all of the issues our nation is facing today many are trying to bring back nullification in a big way. One example is the affordable care act, now without getting into a political debate some states believe that the federal government doesn't have the right to tell them how to provide healthcare. Some states feel that what they already have in place is better than what the federal government is trying to enforce. Others feel that for these states to nullify this law is anti American to go against the president is to go against the nation. There will never be a perfect government in which all agree on every issue the only thing we can do is collect all of the facts and ideas to use them in deciding what is best for our country to move forward.

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